Be Moved & Bloom Podcast

Creating A Soul-Aligned Business Through Your Unique Energetic Blueprint with Bree Kuryk

Louise Holcomb Season 2 Episode 29

This episode with the fabulous Bree Kuryk is so empowering & transformative, even if you don't have or aren't planning on creating your own business! Bree is a dear friend of mine and it was so inspiring and illuminating to have to this conversation with her, all about how you can shift your energy, tap into your true purpose, and magnetize your dream clients and business or simply magnetize the life you desire, through the lens of Human Design and the Gene Keys.

As a 5/1 Splenic Projector, Bree  helps her clients clearly & authentically share their gifts with the world in alignment with their soul purpose & energetic blueprint while cultivating their own intuition. Her purpose is to awaken the creative potential in those who cross her path and uses Human Design & Gene Keys to guide her clients in their own purpose activation. With 15+ years of marketing experience across businesses of all types & sizes, she distills proven strategies & trends across branding, marketing, sales, and operations into simple concepts & frameworks that are then customized to the one-of-a-kind energy & gifts of her clients. 

Bree offers 1:1 coaching and marketing strategy for New Paradigm entrepreneurs who are looking for a soul-satisfying and sustainable way to start and grow their businesses. You can check out all her current offerings at or say hello to her over on Instagram @BreeKuryk

This episode is a deeper-dive into the system of Human Design - if you haven't already, check out Episode 24 with Dani Kilpatrick for a fantastic overview of this whole incredible system and how to utilize it for positive change in your life! If you want to look up your Human Design chart, click here

This is the final episode for a while, as Be Moved & Bloom Podcast takes a hiatus. I am following Bree's advice to honour my energy and cycles! Share your favorite episode so far with me over on Instagram @bemovedyoga and tell me what topics you would love to hear about in future episodes!  

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